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Partners & further links

Dr Kathrin Kern begleitet Sie kompetent und einfühlsam in allen Lebenssituationen.

Kathrin interessiert sich sehr für das Thema Menopause und gemeinsam mit Gynpoint organisieren wir Menopoint Events und setzten uns für bessere Aufklärung und Unterstützung von Frauen in der Menopause ein.





Dr Alina Staikov, Dr Kathrin Kern and the team at GynPoint cover all aspects of women's gynaecological and obstetric health, including menopause.




Susanne Liedke is a leading advocate for menopause and passionate about women's health and nutrition. Her BODY RE:SET course is phenomenal.




Aufblühen in der Lebensmitte.

Midlife Coach auf Augenhöhe

Martin Coul is dedicated to Evidence-Based Mental Health Prevention & Advocacy. He published the first Swiss Survey on Menopause, which I advised him on. 



Gabriella is an expert in Seelenhaus Therapy. Her center in Thun is welcoming you to explore how to live a fulfilled life incorporating meditation, kinesiology and psychology.



Sandra's is a artist and part of her work includes connecting with people who would like to explore new beginnings and clarity for their lives.




She helped me with all the technical stuff of my updated website. Severine is virtual office manager for soul- and solopreneurs.



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